Welcome to my TechBlog!

March 12, 2022

Build your first Electron app

A walkthrough on how to create and deploy your first desktop app (on macOS). Electron is a cross-platform desktop app framework. With the help of angular, ffmpeg and yt-dlp we will build a Youtube-downloader application with a slim user interface.

December 29, 2020

Coding challenge: Tetris

As my first coding challenge I chose to develop the famous game Tetris with plain typescript. The main goal is to program the game as straightforward and clean as possible and to rebuild the game without looking at other examples of implementations.

August 26, 2020

Building your blog on JA(M)Stack

JAMStack is a new approach to develop and deliver your website to the world, by decoupling the ancient monolithic web server in a frontend and backend part. With services like Netlify, Github Pages, Contentful or Netlify CMS there are free (but restricted) services that allow you to host a blog.

August 24, 2020

Breaking free from old constrains

How to move from traditional hosting to a free modern solution - Netlify is a service that allows the deployment and hosting of static websites. Learn how to use Netlify, build your website in a breeze, and render your ancient (fee-based) hosting obsolete.

Made with ♥️ and  Benjamin Mathieu, 2020